"All Shim Packs in the market are the same. They're just washer shaped steel that come in different thickness." WRONG!!! We Manufacture all of our shims in-house on our own machinery. We use the absolute finest American made Hardened Shim Stock available. We do not use anything less than .010 thick for our shim packs. We use only hardened shim stock not sheet metal gauges. Shim stock comes in .002 increments whereas sheet metal is soft and the gauges are all over the map with many gaps in thickness and .0005 sizes. The thickness range of our shim packs are much broader. In most cases .020 over and under the normal thickness range --- not just what is the most often used. What does this all mean to you? No more pinion shims splitting when used in performance applications No more gaps in the shim pack thickness range No more problems getting a non-OEM gear set to the right specifications because it was made to wider tolerances than OEM.
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