Click on Part Number for Dimensions and to Order

**Colored Applications include Detailed Applications** (click description to follow link)
TJ = Wrangler,   WJ = Grand Cherokee,   ZJ = Grand Cherokee,   XJ = Cherokee
HOUSING Pinion Shims Carrier Shims Crush Sleeve
(shim pack)
Pinion Seal Pinion Nut Ring Gear Bolts Cover Gasket Head Bearing Tail Bearing Carrier Bearing (Set)
28 Ford Ranger front (1984-1997) 1119 1103 3117 6119 1500 1301 5121 8003 8001 9019
30/181  Jeep 1997-2006 TJ, 2000-01 XJ, 1999-04 WJ, 1996-98 ZJ 1112 1116


(1.400 long)

6116 1500 1301 5113 8002 8001 9002
30/181   1993-1996 Jeep WJ-Grand Cherokee 1112 1116


(2.415 long)

6116 1500 1301 5113 8002 8001 9002
30 Front  1971-87 CJ5-7-8, 1967-71 Bronco / Scout, 1984-96 TJ, 1967-77 cast iron straight axle   1112 1116 1114 6116 1500 1301 5113 8002 7012 9002

30  Jeep CJ5, CJ6, Volvo 1970-1993











30 JK non-Rubicon (2007 - 2017) Liberty (2008 - 2013)  1134 1147 3140/Solid Spacer 4120 6192 1506 1301 5113 7005 8002 9002
35 Front & Rear 1112 1125 3101/Solid Spacer 4114 6112 1506 1318 5150 7011 8001 9002
44 (30 Spine) 1967-2006 1129 1115 1114 6116 1500 1301 5114 8008 7012 9009
44 1994-2008 Dodge (front) 1129 1115 3146 6116 1500 1301 5114 8002 7012 9009
44 19 Spine pre-1967 (see application chart below) 1113 1115 1114 6116 1500 1301 5114 8008 7012 9016
44 (Super) 1994-04 Grand Cherokee 1134 1115

3130/Solid Spacer 4116

6174 1505 1301 5114 7005 8003 9001
44 2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler (front) 1100 1146

3140/Solid Spacer 4120 

6192 1506 1331/1333 5114 7005 8002 9005
44 2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler (rear) 1100 1146

3141/Solid Spacer 4121 

6193 1505 1331/1333 5114 7005 8003 9009
44 2007-2018 Jeep JK Rubicon (front) 1100 1146

3140/Solid Spacer 4120 

6192 1506 1331/1333 5114 7005 8002 9005
44 2007-2018 Jeep JK Rubicon (rear) 1100 1146

3141/Solid Spacer 4121 

6193 1505 1331/1333 5114 7005 8003 9005
50 (1978-2000) 1112 1117 1114 6116 1500 1331 ------ 8002 7012 9013
50 (2001-2012) 1112 1117 1114 6180 1500 1331 ------ 8002 7012 9013
60  Super Duty 35 spline (F-250 to 550) 1110       1505 1309 5116 7001 8006 9008
60 1110 1106 1118 6117 1505 1309 5116 7001 8006 9008
70 1111 1106 1118 6117 1505 1309 5117 7014 8006 9008
70-U 1110 1106 1118 6117 1505 1309 5117 7006 8006 9008
70-HD 1111 1106 1118 6117 1505 1309 5117 7014 8006 9014
80 Dodge/GM 1136 1106 1132 6158 1512 1325 5192 7021 7005 9014
80 Ford 1988- 1998 1136 1121 1132 6158 1512 1325 5192 7021 7005 9014
80 Ford 1999-2016 1136 1106/1121 1132 6158 1512 1325 5192 7019 7005 9014
HOUSING Basic Installation Kit Installation Kit Bearing Kit Complete Kit Deluxe Kit
28 Ford 427K 127K 225B 335K  
30/181  Jeep 458K 160K 249B 364K  
30 Front  1971-87 CJ5-7-8, 1967-71 Bronco / Scout, 1984-96 TJ, 1967-77 cast iron straight axle 420K 120K 213B 320K  
30  Jeep CJ5, CJ6, Volvo 1970-1993 420K 120K 214B 321K  
30 JK non-Rubicon (2007 - 2017) Liberty (2008 - 2013)    176K 270B 391K  
35 Front & Rear 442K 144K 238B 350K 3026K
44 (30 Spine) 1967-2006 422K 122K 215B 322K  
44 1994-2008 Dodge (front) 422K 122K 258B 386K  
44 (Super) 1994-2004 Grand Cherokee 457K 159K 205B 363K 3029K
44 19 Spine pre-1967 422K 122K 226B 326K  
44 2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler (front) 465K 169K 254B


44 2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler (rear) 466K 170K 262B 389K  
44 2007-2018 Jeep JK Rubicon (front) 465K 169K 254B 383K  
44 2007-2018 Jeep JK Rubicon (rear) 466K 170K 255B 384K  
50 (1978-2000) 423K 123K 227B 323K  
50 (2001-2012) 470K 175K 227B 390K  
60 424K 124K 217B 324K 3017K (Auto)
70 425K 125K 220B 325K  
70-U 424K 124K 218B 327K  
70-HD 425K 125K 222B 331K  
80 Dodge/GM    165K  244B  368K  
80 Ford 1988 - 1998    164K  244B  367K  
80 Ford 1999-2016    164K  253B  379K  

        1/2 oz Marking Compound (with brush) pn 500